Sword Art Online (SAO) is a popular anime series that has had a significant impact on the world of animation, light novels, and manga. Created by Reki Kawahara in 2012, this series revolutionized ...
While playing the virtual reality role-playing game Sword Art Online, players discover the game's creator is holding them captive and if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for ...
The light novel adaptation of the anime series Sword Art Online (SAO) quickly became a fan favorite. The series has progressed from the NerveGear death game "Sword Art Online" to the Augma ...
As of this article’s writing, only a German dub for the series has been announced. Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Season 2 will focus on protagonist Karen Khoriuimaki as she ...
Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown is back on mobile after fixes, new content, and new characters. The game features an original story with Kirito and friends exploring a new VR title, Cross Edge.