Earning two-year community college degrees in health care or STEM fields can put young people on a solid course to better ...
We know a knight can move across the chessboard faster than the king, but exactly how much faster? Christian Táfula Santos, a ...
Between 2019 and 2023, test scores for American fourth graders in math dropped by 18 points and scores for eighth graders ...
Latest study into math and science in South Africa reveals the ‘cold, hard truth about our education inequalities’, says ...
The math results of an international test of academic skills show that U.S. fourth and eighth grade students are losing ...
These are “sharp, steep declines,” said Peggy Carr, the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which ...
U.S. students are seeing their performance on math slip compared to other countries, with scores dropping dramatically since ...
Girls are also more likely to develop math anxiety, which may be due to lacking confidence in their ability. Another possible ...
Hong Kong pupils remain competitive among their worldwide peers in mathematical and scientific literacy, finishing among the ...
American fourth and eighth graders are struggling with math after COVID-19 prompted school closures across the country and ...
Out of 70 education systems in the study, Singapore’s emerged first in both subjects at P4 and Sec 2 levels. Read more at ...
For years, we’ve seen a steady decline in learning conditions, exacerbated by successive reforms that have done more harm ...