Worry, stress and anxiety are all different, although related, responses and it’s important to know the difference because each requires different coping strategies. Elizabeth Talbot ...
India The present research investigation was an attempt to enhance the performance of the hockey players by regulating their trait anxiety level through implementing autogenic training and mental ...
I recently turned 45 and have been dealing with anxiety for several years. My feelings of worry, stress and fatigue have increased, leading me to avoid social events and limit activities I used to ...
Finding quick ways to relieve stress is essential for maintaining ... focusing on your breath to help lower anxiety and promote relaxation. Engage in simple stretches to relieve muscle tension ...
Helping to deal with stress and anxiety The campaign is designed to ... Coping techniques the videos offer include guided imagery meditation, reaching out to friends and family to share feelings ...
I specialize in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders ... and mindfulness-based stress management, psychodynamic psychotherapy, guided imagery and relaxation techniques.