Spot the difference! Why has Sony launched two new cameras that seem virtually identical to their predecessors?
不久前,索尼在英国市场上市了两款APS-C画幅相机——Alpha A6100A以及A6400A,不过大家千万不要以为新机是升级了屏幕、USB接口,它们唯一改进是AC-UUE12充电头升级到BC-TRW座充。
88VIP福利来袭,SONY 索尼 ZV-E10 微单相机特价优惠!这款相机搭载了APS-C画幅的Exmor CMOS传感器和约2420万有效像素,能拍摄出高质量、细节清晰的照片和视频。而且,它还配备了指向性3胶囊麦克风,可以清晰地捕捉声音,并将背景噪音降到最低。
This Sony E-mount to Nikon Z-mount converter is an affordable adapter with full electronic communication that supports ...
一直以来,我都怀揣着一个拥有一台专业相机的梦想,而索尼(SONY)ZV-E10 APS-C 半画幅微单相机成为了我心中的不二之选。 首先,它出色的美肤拍照功能深深吸引着我。在如今这个社交媒体盛行的时代,我们都希望在镜头前展现出自己最美好的一面。索尼 ZV-E10 的美肤效果能够在保留肌肤真实质感的同时,巧妙地修饰瑕疵,让每一张照片中的我都焕发出自信与光彩。无论是记录日常生活中的点滴瞬间,还是为特别 ...
Embarking on a photography or videography journey requires the right equipment to capture stunning visuals. Cameras like the ...
Looking for a top Sony lens? Joshua Waller guides you through the best lenses available for E-mount right now – and it's a ...
The idea of this guide is to help you find the right Sony lens for what and how you like to shoot, whether that’s with an APS-C or full-frame camera. Based on the results of our in-depth reviews ...
The new Sony A6700 is the firm's most advanced APS-C mirrorless camera yet, and it's the camera that streamers, vloggers and other content creators will be asking Santa for this Christmas.