Sony jus launched its new flagship camera – the A1 II. That boasts an enviable spec sheet, including a dedicated AI processing engine. While the world of high end mirrorless cameras may seem old ...
So what did I learn from the night? Here are five pointers. Closeup of the Sony A1 II mirrorless camera's drive mode dial, outdoors on a tripod with autumn leaves background This is less of a ...
Unusually for Sony, there's no single new feature or improvement that grabs the headlines in its latest flagship. Instead, the A1 II refines what was already an excellent if pricey all-in-one ...
Take a top-spec mirrorless camera for example ... On Wednesday night, though, I got the opportunity to put the new Sony A1 II camera through its paces at the Premier League football match between ...
In recent weeks, the industry's biggest two manufacturers - Canon and Nikon - have both unveiled their first full-frame mirrorless cameras, having already seen Sony have great success with the format.