In shade, it’s OK if the soil dries out now and then. When not in bloom, the heart-shaped, dark green leaves with purplish ...
A: Consider Lacey oak. It’s native to the Hill Country, also to far Southwest Texas. It grows 20 to 25 feet tall and 15 to 20 ...
Like hostas, wild ginger can become drought-tolerant once it settles ... rich soil and preference for lots of shade. Not only do foam flowers make excellent ground covers, taking up to 1 feet ...
Shade has been increasing in my backyard as the trees have grown larger. I’ve taken out more struggling St. Augustine as I’ve ...
You're better off cutting your losses and replacing the sun-starved patch of grass with a shade-tolerant ground cover, such as bishop's hat or sweet woodruff. Or you might convert that part of the ...
It's also a great choice for homeowners in the warmer parts of its range that need a shade-tolerant evergreen ground cover. As long as you can keep it dry, it can survive even in deep shade where ...