The animated anthology series tells short animated stories set in different video game franchises like Armored Core, ...
Yesterday (Dec 17), we learned that " Secret Level ", Blur Studio and Amazon MGM Studios' animated video game anthology TV ...
Amazon Prime Video 全新动画选集《 秘密关卡 Secret Level 》改编多款热门游戏大作,推出以其故事为灵感的短篇故事系列,并找来《 Love, Death + Robots 》制作公司 Blur Studio ...
That took less time than it takes to discover all of the ways to annoy enemies with Doctor Strange’s portal in Marvel Rivals.
Secret Level” has been renewed for a second season at Amazon Prime Video. The series is an adult animated anthology made up ...
Amazon’s push into video game adaptations shows no signs of letting up. Today the company announced that Secret Level — an ...
Amazon Prime video has officially renewed Secret Level for a second season. The animated anthology, which adapted video games ...
Secret Level might have been a bit naff, but a lot of people watched it anyway, so Amazon is renewing it for season 2.
Tim Miller and Dave Wilson talk about how the horror-tinged Pac-Man episode came to be, and why they didn't consider removing ...
Amazon unveiled the animated video game anthology series Secret Level earlier this year before debuting the show on December ...
Secret Level – Deadpool director Tim Miller's animated video game anthology series – is getting renewed for season two on ...
“Secret Level” has been renewed for a second season at Amazon Prime Video. The series is an adult animated anthology made up of short stories set in the world of various video games, such as ...