The movie features an ensemble cast, including well-known comedian, actor, and musician Jack Black, who has played Satan/Asmodeus. Dear Santa tells us the story of an 11-year-old dyslexic boy ...
a young boy who writes a letter to Santa, but -- through a slight misspelling -- accidentally addresses it to Satan, who he subsequently summons. After Satan tells Liam he will grant him three ...
Anagrams are fun. They are also thought provoking. Reorganise the letters and the word takes a totally different meaning. Here are three such words: Satan, Santa, and Sanat. Remove one letter and you ...
revolves around the life of an 11-year-old dyslexic boy named Liam who misspells Santa as Satan in his letter to Santa Claus. Jack Black plays the role of Satan, a demon that grants the fourth ...
and ourselves. We can make ourselves laugh too if we want! And, because Santa and Satan both use the same exact letter, submit an offering to the dark one — Sacrificial Santa, who wields an axe ...
In the film, Jack Black plays a cool version of Satan who is conjured up when a child named Liam Turner (Robert Timothy Smith) writes a letter to Santa but accidentally misspells the intended ...