因此,无需重新培训团队或大幅增加物料成本,就可以享有更高的性能。Qxgednc 此外,STM32 工程师还拥有额外的优势,因为 STM32Cube工具生态系统同时支持MCU和 MPU,从而进一步降低了进入门槛。例如,在 STM32CubeMX 上初始化引脚配置和时钟树。希望在 STM32 MPU 上实现 ...
Clearly profiling itself as the Lamborghini or Ferrari of the STM32 development board world ... from the expansion bus to the pin-out and schematic of the MCU cards (STM32F767ZG version).
On microcontroller systems like the STM32, interrupts are even more important, as this is what allows an MCU to respond in hard real-time to an (external) event. Especially in something like an ...