quantum mechanics and quantum physics. We'll get on to computing in a moment but it's also helpful to understand the basics of quantum mechanics or quantum physics (the two terms basically refer ...
Quantum computing is a groundbreaking technology that promises to transform the way complex problems are solved. Diving into ...
A team of physics educators from Italy, Hungary, Slovenia and Germany is focusing on a new approach to teaching quantum ...
A team of physics educators is focusing on a new approach to teaching quantum physics in schools. Traditional classroom teaching has tended to focus on presenting the history of the origins of quantum ...
A breakthrough at Rice University enhances thermophotovoltaic systems with a new thermal emitter design, achieving over 60% ...
Theoretical physicists have established a close connection between the two rapidly developing fields in theoretical physics, quantum information theory and non-invertible symmetries in particle and ...
But can anyone truly understand quantum mechanics? We chatted to Annabel E Gun, PhD researcher in Laser and Plasma Physics at Imperial College London and affiliate of the John Adams Institute for ...