A Walt Disney animated film series based on a real historic character, based on the known history and also the folklore and legend that surround the Native American woman Pocahontas, and features ...
A Walt Disney animated film series based on a real historic character, based on the known history and also the folklore and legend that surround the Native American woman Pocahontas, and features ...
In the Disney film, Pocahontas resisted being married to brave warrior Kocoum. But in reality, as far as historians can surmise, Matoaka was married and had a child with a member of another tribe ...
John Rolfe - and she and Smith sail away to Britain together at the end of the film. History, however, tells a different and darker tale. To start, Pocahontas was just a nickname, meaning "the ...
The Pocahontas Reframed Film Festival in Richmond, which runs Friday through Sunday, will honor the contributions of Native Americans and showcase their culture and music. The eighth annual event ...