The Guinness World Record for the longest low plank is currently 8 hours and 1 minute, set by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong in 2016, but retired Marine George Hood completed a record attempt in June ...
Planks are a great way to strengthen your core and work out many different muscle groups, all at once. You can also do them anywhere — all you need is your body weight. "The versatility and ...
Exhibit one: the plank. In its most basic form ... a key point of proper form—you must engage another core muscle group that most people associate with the lower body: your glutes.
Looking for a highly effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups at once? Meet the side plank. This straightforward yet powerful move helps you build a strong and stable core while also ...
“The plank can activate your postural muscles, shoulders, back of the neck, elbows, triceps, hips and quads,” Morrow said. “It is a pretty efficient exercise in terms of the muscle groups ...