The number of people living alone increases every ... concerns typically raised by the loved ones of an older person who likes living alone. Will they fall or injure themselves?
Jeff Kromrey, 69, will sit down with his daughter the next time she visits and show her how to access his online accounts if he has an unexpected health crisis. Gayle Williams-Brett, 69, plans to ...
Emergency food parcel demand at record high "People are feeling a lot more isolated, especially those who are older and living alone, who maybe used to jump on a bus and travel down to the local ...
particularly in older people living alone. More than 55 million people worldwid e are living with dementia, with no fewer than 10 million new cases each year, according to recent figures published ...
New ONS data showed working-age adults living alone are at greater risk of lockdown loneliness than older people, and those aged 16-24 more than twice as likely to have experienced it than those ...
The five response categories to the questions are: without any difficulty, with some difficulty, with great difficulty, I cannot do it, not applicable / have never done or had to do this. These ...
The number of people 65 and older who live alone continues to increase. This demographic is expected to make up more than 20 percent of all households in 31 prefectures and Tokyo by 2050.