Hosted once again by Neil deGrasse Tyson, the series also introduces a brand-new correspondent this season, Ziya Tong, a former host and producer of Wired Science. "Our experience is that NOVA ...
NOVA is the most popular primetime science series on American television, demystifying the scientific and technological concepts that shape and define our lives, our planet, and our universe.
Gifts to the NOVA Science Trust provide the series with flexible working capital which supports the research, development and production of NOVA films, digital content, and educational and outreach ...
NOVA is the most-watched science series on television and creator of some of the most popular and trusted STEM resources in the nation's classrooms. The series is unparalleled in its ability to make ...
With a context length of 128K tokens, Amazon Nova Micro is designed for tasks such as text summarization, translation, ...
Amazon announced its new suite of foundation models, Nova, at its Amazon Web Services ... and price-performance” of its new series of models.