If you struggle with food cravings, tracking your blood sugar level responses to food may help give you the relief you've ...
The study proposes the immune system as a major regulator of blood sugar. The functions of hormones like insulin and glucagon ...
Pre-diabetes refers to the stage where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not as high to be classified as ...
Elevated blood glucose levels may adversely impact both short- and long-term lung health, found study published in the BMC ...
Gluconeogenesis is why you can go days or even weeks without food while still maintaining a normal blood glucose level. Blood glucose, however, is also like fire. The right amount of blood glucose ...
Findings suggest targeting neuro-immune pathway could lead to strategies for managing diabetes, obesity or some types of ...
A study published in Science by the Champalimaud Foundation reveals a surprising new role for the immune system. During ...
In some people, the pancreas compensates for these factors by adequately increasing insulin secretion to maintain normal blood glucose levels. But for individuals with prediabetes, diabetes ...
having meals and snacks too close together may not give your blood sugar level time to drop naturally after you eat. Make sure your meals are four to five hours apart. If you need a snack ...
It’s also worth remembering that sugar highs and lows are a normal physiological response ... This leads to a short-term change in blood glucose levels, which typically peak about 30 minutes ...
John Byrne (73), a married father-of-three from Glencar Lawn, Ballybrack, Co Dublin died on September 4, 2022 in St Vincent’s ...