An animated Christmas movie on Netflix has sparked controversy over a scene where children put on a production of the biblical Nativity story that features a song by Madonna, a singer who has ...
The nativity story follows Mary and Joseph from being told they will have a baby by the angel Gabriel, through to the birth of Jesus and the visits from the shepherds and wise men. The story of ...
You'll have a front row seat to the nativity story as you witness the Old Testament prophets foretelling the birth of Jesus, Gabriel appearing to Mary, Joseph and Mary traveling the road to the ...
Created to help you share the most important lessons from the greatest stories ever told, The Beginner's Bible Series brings the true wonder and joy of the Bible to life. Featuring an original ...
That's the verdict of movie director Debbie Isitt, who puts a hefty slice of the affection for Nativity! down to the starring role Coventry's Holy Family Primary School played. Celebrating 15 ...
The film reimagines the Nativity story through gospel music and modern-day Harlem, celebrating faith, family, and redemption. Featuring original music from Nas and Hudson’s powerhouse vocals ...
Director Debbie Issit (left) met teachers including Angie Ward who had a part in the first film 15 years ago That's the verdict of movie director Debbie Isitt, who puts a hefty slice of the ...