Long pages are pages with a high amount of content. This listing is sorted by longest page. Some long pages may need to be broken into multiple smaller pages, though not all.
to one of the most notorious battles of the Napoleonic Wars, fought in terrible conditions, with appalling losses on both sides. #EpicHistoryTV #NapoleonicWars #Napoleon Two more Texas wins in ...
There are more books with “Napoleon” in their titles than there have been days since the death of the French emperor and general in 1821. So reports Andrew Roberts in his magisterial biography ...
It was total confusion… fog and the smoke of ... The first time in the whole history of the Napoleonic wars the Guard was seen to falter and then eventually fall back, shouting "Sauve qui ...
proclaiming a War of German Liberation. But the people of Bavaria, who had profited from Napoleon's earlier defeat of Austria, rallied once again around Napoleon as he assembled his troops for battle.
This carving, made from animal bones, is unusual. It dates from the Napoleonic era and would have been made by a French prisoner of war based at a camp near Peterborough at the end of the ...
The graves of a group of French prisoners from the Napoleonic Wars have been restored by a group of military history enthusiasts. The four men and one woman were buried at St John's Church in ...
Using long-term figures for average earnings from the Bank of England it then concluded that wage growth over a decade has not been so negative since the height of the Napoleonic Wars in the early ...