The Mexio City-produced motion capture animated film was directed by Alejandro Rodriguez Huerta and made by the Rodriguez Brothers Animation Group. “Entertainment Weekly” has published a piece ...
Holo AI is a protocol developed on the Solana blockchain, enabling users to create and own AI Agents designed to handle ...
Reallusion - San Jose CA -19 th July 2018- Reallusion announces the launch of a new multi-device motion capture system - iClone Motion LIVE. Mix and capture with different motion capture gear for ...
Motion capture is a key part of creating digital ... and I get ahold of a pumpkin and a set of traditional sculpting tools.
Reallusion specializes in the development of real-time cinematic animation, virtual production, and motion capture tools that connect professional 3D animation technologies to creators from indie ...
We’ve been told for ages that “the robots are coming for our jobs!” It’s true that we’ve seen robots capable of everything from burger flipping to bricklaying being demonstrated, and ...
The Still Picture & Motion Capture Studio is equipped with an OptiTrack mo-cap system and a retractable 12′ wide seamless background holder, the studio allows for a range of digital production ...