Marc got his shot over the Great Barrier Reef, off Queensland, hanging by a harness from the open door of a helicopter. As the all-white Migaloo - the only known albino humpback - took deep breaths at ...
Migaloo (Aboriginal for 'white fella') is the only known all-white humpback whale in the world. Marc had photographed him at sea level but knew that the way to get the perfect portrait would be from ...
It’s that time of year again, when the humpback highway is about to hit peak blubber to blubber as humpback whales migrate up Australia’s east and west coasts from Antarctic waters.
One prime example is the Migaloo M5, a “hybrid” yacht concepts that doubles as a submersible. Migaloo PSY’s design is not only cool-looking but bold: The 545-foot behemoth is intended to ...