微软最近在Microsoft Edge浏览器的Canary频道中引入了两项新功能。首先是全新的密码管理器,用户可以直接通过浏览器中的设置访问保存的密码,无需再进行繁琐的操作。这项功能经过了实验性Flag“edge-settings-client-password-revamp – mobile”的启用。
用户在升级到最新 Edge 版本之后,可通过 Edge 侧边栏中的三点图标,进入设置“隐私”、“语音”和“关于”选项,让用户决定其 Copilot 的文本和语音数据是否用于训练 AI 模型。IT之家附上截图如下: ...
Microsoft is testing a bottom address bar, a new Password Manager and a revamped PDF viewer in Edge Canary on Android.
You're almost assuredly familiar with the hassle, because you probably use Windows, and you probably use another browser ...
To do a password security check in Edge, navigate to Settings > Profiles > Passwords. Click "Password Security Check" for ...
Microsoft is testing new Copilot privacy settings in Edge Canary, allowing users to opt out of using data for training & ...
The new Copilot app (version 1.24112.123.0) sits on the Windows system tray when opened and can be triggered using the new ...
Microsoft has announced a new Copilot app for Windows that it's calling "native" to Windows. However, the new native app ...