Mark Willis, of the Food Standards Agency, said those who are pregnant should have no more than four cans of tuna a week. But he added that mercury was found in all fish, so it "cannot be ...
Methylmercury, which is what forms after mercury interacts with bacteria and is the most common form in food, is classified as possibly having the potential to cause cancer. Bloom said ...
I’ve asked the EU spokesperson for Health and food safety if they have any intention of lowering the limits of mercury in tuna from 1 milligram per kilo to 0.3? “We have done the exercise ...
A French NGO, Bloom, randomly tested 148 tuna cans from five European countries, finding mercury contamination in all of them. One out of ten exceeded authorised levels for fresh tuna. Some samples ...
Non-profits Foodwatch and Bloom Association have called on the European Commission to tighten rules on the sale and advertising of tuna products containing high levels of mercury. Both groups have ...