(Learn how mercury gets into fish.) Though the agencies say consumers should seek out fish that are low in mercury, almost all seafood contains the toxin in varying amounts, and getting too much ...
Tuna is eaten by millions of Americans each year, and with such fishy cravings comes the risk of consuming mercury, which these fish are known to possess. Mercury is a type of metal naturally ...
And humans are then exposed to the element when they eat the fish, one of the most widely consumed around the world. Concentrations of mercury in the fish had failed to declined as expected ...
Initial results from Harvard reveal high levels of mercury in the Madeira, although still below the limit recommended by Brazil’s authorities. Predatory fish species showed mercury levels above ...
The mercury threshold is three times higher for tuna than for other fish species. Aisling Pigott-Jones, a member of the British Dietetic Association who works in Wales, thinks the campaigners have ...