Why do people buy Gucci handbags and Newman’s Own salad dressing? Why choose Coke over Pepsi? Adidas over Nike? Marketing is a crucial part of any business, and it’s about more than just promoting ...
This is because UAB MarComm is required to track every single marketing expense we make, then provide that list to the UA System. There’s a process in place called the Marketing Approval Process that ...
Per the UA System requirement, Marketing & Communications must approve all marketing and advertising efforts via the Marketing Approval Form. This includes: media buys — print, TV, radio, billboard, ...
A critical component of modern business success is the ability to understand and balance the human and machine-driven processes that enable scalability in a competitive, ever-evolving market. They ...
Gain a strategic understanding of relevant marketing processes, tools and tactics, providing you with unique analytical and problem-solving skills. Due to the competition for places and limited ...
Just 24% of marketers say they have processes in place that enable their firm to always or frequently repurpose content without a great deal of human intervention. Some 76% of respondents say they use ...
in-house marketers must use this opportunity to break down the silos between marketing and regulatory teams and address the bottlenecks to initiate more efficient data-driven processes.