Northrop Grumman's MQ-4C Triton High-Altitude Long-Endurance (HALE) surveillance and intelligence UAV "successfully demonstrated" its "navigation system’s ability to operate at high latitudes ...
如今美国和伊朗的状况可以说是已经处在战争的边缘了。伊朗这边的核原料已突破上限,随时都有可能造出核武器。而美国这边则是新一代“空射高超音速导弹”装载试飞完毕。可以说两边是针锋相对,就差导火线被点燃了。就在这个紧张的节骨眼上,伊斯兰革命卫队发表的声明让人 ...
Even with the MQ-4C Tritons’ departure, drones will continue to fly from Kadena Air Base courtesy of ongoing Air Force and Marine Corps deployments. The Tritons, which arrived at the 18th Wing ...
The high altitude, long endurance drone will add to U.S. intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities in the Indo-Pacific.