在当今快节奏的生活中,人们越来越渴望更好地理解自己和周围的人。MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)测试,以其独特的16型人格分类,成为了一种关注度极高的心理评估工具。今天,我们就来深度挖掘MBTI的人格类型,探讨它们如何影响我们的生活、职业选择甚至人际关系。 什么是MBTI?厘清基础认识 MBTI是一种用于评估心理类型的工具,通过一系列问题,帮助人们发现自己的心理偏好 ...
为深入探究MBTI性格测试的有效性情况,同时解决测试题目数量过多的问题,我国领先的AI泛心理服务平台“心言集团”心理组的专家何汉等人历经10个月,在全国范围内选取了1309名大学生被试者进行调研测试,以进行量表的简化与修订。目前,该研究成果已在国际核 ...
在年轻群体里,大火的MBTI成为了当下年轻人的社交名片,成为了交友不可或缺的开场白。“我是i人”、“e人的聚会”、“i人的社交”、“为i做e”.......在娱乐玩梗的成分之外,还是年轻人构建身份认同、抱团取暖的一种方式,也是一种社会标签式表达,比如 ...
我们究竟应该怎么用? MBTI究竟是什么? MBTI的英语全称叫Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,中文称为迈尔斯-布里格斯性格分类指标。它是在人格类型学中一种 ...
Thomas, David A., and Emily Heaphy. "Personality Types: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 498-069, March 1998.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an assessment of personality based on questions about a person’s preferences in four domains: focusing outward or inward; attending to sensory ...
MBTI测试不可盲目对号入座 MBTI测试全称为Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,即迈尔斯-布理格斯类型指标,系美国作家迈尔斯及其母亲布理格斯提出的性格测量表。
The Big Bang Theory characters are definitely strong (and straightforward) personalities - where do they fit with the Myers-Briggs system?
Have you ever wondered what makes a visionary like Elon Musk tick? How does a single individual revolutionize industries as ...
“A significant portion of survey style assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), rely on our perceptions of who we are, who we think we appear to be, and who we think we ...