Disney Channel’s Lizzie McGuire follows the eponymous character, played by Hilary Duff, navigating personal and social issues through her teenage years. Duff also voices an animated version of ...
Loungefly has launched a fun backpack inspired by the famous Disney Channel television series Lizzie McGuire, created by Terri Minsky in 2001 and starring Hilary Duff as a young woman who learns ...
The Loungefly x Disney Lizzie McGuire Glitter Crossbody Purse is a nostalgic accessory celebrating the charm of the early 2000s Disney Channel series, Lizzie McGuire (2001).
To say that I was a "Lizzie McGuire" fan growing up would be an understatement. I covered my walls in Hilary Duff posters as a kid, and I turned on Disney Channel every day after school to catch ...
Freeform — formerly ABC Family — is cashing in on the nostalgia obsession by airing former Disney Channel hit shows such as “Lizzie McGuire,” “Kim Possible,” “Hannah Montana,” and ...