It is quite common to fail your driving test the first time. Tha àireamhan oifigeil o 2017/18 a' sealltainn nach eil an ìre phasaigidh ach 46.7%. Official statistics from 2017/18 show the pass ...
Camilla Benitz, managing director of AA Driving School, said it 'concerning' that one question in particular is catching so many people out on the theory test. 'What is fundamental knowledge for ...
Maryland's Motor Vehicle Administration determined some of the questions they were asking on the learner’s permit test may have been too complicated and have given it a rewrite. The MVA found ...
The theory quiz is generally the most daunting part of Italy's driving test. We take a look at what the questions are about and what you’ll be asked to do on the day of the exam. While EU nationals ...