This story appears in the November 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine. Name the last place where you saw seaweed on the menu, not including a Japanese restaurant. Drawing a blank?
Many of us are drawn to the invigorating scent of the ocean. While some satisfy this craving through seafood, others prefer the refreshing taste of seaweed. These marine plants are not only ...
Using seaweed reduces the need for chemical inputs and improves soil and plant health “Regenerative agriculture is the agriculture of the future for us,” says Richard Muller, chief operating ...
Scientists suggest seaweed could help fight climate change and offset carbon emissions. Ocean Rainforest recently won funding from the US Department of Energy to build a similar system in ...
Forget epsom salts and wave goodbye to magnesium flakes – seaweed is the latest bath-time addition promising soft skin and soothed muscles. Baths can be divisive: you either love them or hate them.