Which plants are good resources for biofuel production? The first attempts to produce a biologically-based fuel to replace mineral petrol and diesel, continued to look for derivatives of well ...
Finding an ideal precursor for biodiesel production has until now been an elusive task because the two commonly used “feedstocks” each come with their own set of challenges. The first ...
Herders from Laikipia County have been converting cactus into biofuel. The World Vision organisation is has taken the mandate to train eight women groups in Laikipia County on how to make the fuel.
Also last Wednesday, Reuters reporter David Alexander noted that the Navy has “awarded $210 million to help three firms build refineries to make biofuels using woody biomass, municipal waste ...
The biofuel will be made from "sunlight, water and waste carbon dioxide by photosynthetic pond scum," writes the New York Times. After the first $600 million is used and if the technology appears ...