Actor Paresh Ganatra, who started his acting career with Gujarati theatre in 1984, recently recalled losing a large sum of money during the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. He shared that the close ...
The series is about the famous stockbroker Harshad Mehta, popularly known as the 'Amitabh Bachchan of Stock Market.' The web series has garnered a strong response on social media sites ...
Another good year for the diamond expert Harshad Mehta, who has more than 40 years experience in the jewellery industry. Born in 1947, his understanding of the diamond industry has allowed him to ...
Harshad Mehta is an entrepreneur with more than 40 years experience in the diamond industry. Born in 1947, his experience and understanding of the diamond industry has allowed him to build a huge ...