Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak, is a significant festival celebrated by Buddhists all over the world. It marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautam Buddha. In 2024, Buddha Purnima ...
However the theories slightly differ in other regions. Irrespective of the belief the day of Buddha Purnima is celebrated with same love and affection towards Gautama Buddha, all across India. Not ...
My name is Hivin and I'm a Buddhist. I follow the teachings of the Buddha, who lived two and a half thousand years ago. He said that life was full of suffering and that suffering was caused by ...
Themes: Buddhism; the life of the Buddha; the festivals of Wesak and Parinirvana Day; the Eightfold Path. Summary: this assembly is suitable at about the time of the festivals of Wesak (April or ...