Overclockers UK sent us a system priced at only £699 featuring an Nvidia GTX 1660 and Ryzen 5 processor. Do you really need ...
近日,一名电脑爱好者在网上提到购买了一块NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660显卡,但收到的却是标记为1660 Super的包装,这一现象引发了广泛关注和讨论。该用户怀疑自己是否买到了矿卡,这一问题也成为了键盘玩家们热议的焦点。本文将解析这一现象背后的市场环境,同时探讨这些显卡的实际性能及其对用户的影响。
It's official - GTX 1660 SUPER has been announced, and today Dominic is giving us his full review. In this video we look at ...
Intel launched its first-generation A-series graphics cards in late 2022. While they showed promise, software bugs and ...
目前看市面上有非常多的X60显卡,像是还在售的1060、1660、1660Ti以及2060和2060 SUPER这些显卡。而最近老黄又祭出黄家刀法为大家输出了GTX 1660 SUPER DDR6 6G。