The Stock Market Is Flashing Some Warning Signs For 10 straight days through Friday, more stocks in the S&P 500 fell than rose, the longest such streak since 2000. Advertisement ...
Such businesses started seeing signs of belt-tightening from their core customers earlier this year. Warren Buffett tells people to buy an S&P 500 index fund. A celebrity tech investor says they ...
“But savvy traders should at least pay attention to some of the warning signs about the overall health of the market.” Parties, after all, are often followed by a hangover.
Bond markets. They are falling and have been for some time. It is a flashing warning sign about the state of the UK and US economies and may affect the costs of our loans and mortgages.
Investors should therefore pay attention to a key metric that might be flashing a major warning ... current CAPE ratio of 35.2 isn't a major warning sign? A decade ago, this metric stood at ...
This is perhaps the biggest signal yet that 1) investors are getting more defensive and 2) this downside move might not nearly be over. This is perhaps the biggest signal yet that 1) investors are ...