These conditions affect infants’ physical, mental, and behavioral ... a baby has fetal alcohol syndrome include specific facial features, the size of the baby’s head, and problems with ...
There is no cure for prenatal substance exposure. Yet research shows that a child’s lifetime outcomes can be improved with early intervention services between birth and age 3, helping children talk, ...
A study by the Alcohol Research Group shows 160 million collateral damage victims of substance abuse, including traffic ...
Here's what to know about the risks to you and your baby.Medically reviewed by Iya Mystique Hargrove, M.S., CFSD, CBS, CLE, ...
Over the next five years, University of Louisville researchers plan to expose about 1.5 million fish eggs to alcohol in hopes ...
In the United States, the exact number of people with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is unknown ... and does not include data on people with other FASDs. People with severe problems, such as ...
The management of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders ... For example, some individuals with FASD may have sensorineural hearing loss, vision problems or cardiac abnormalities ...