From great lore to intriguing opportunities, these Faerun cities are an excellent starting point for any Dungeons & Dragons ...
This gift guide includes everything a Dungeon Master might need for their D&D game. There are new maps, monster generators ...
These striking deities in Dungeons & Dragons should be used in your next campaign, whether to inspire a charming adventurer ...
One unconventional indie Dungeons & Dragons system would be a unique setting for a possible TV show and allow for a blending ...
Technology means that it’s easier than ever before to play Dungeons and Dragons, but the old-fashioned way remains superior ...
Revivify is a top healing spell that can revive fallen party members within the last minute, making it essential for any healer's arsenal. Players and Dungeon Masters (DMs) of Dungeons & Dragons ...
Dungeons & Dragons has the unique position of inspiring ... expected storyline or when the story itself ends in a TPK (Total Party Kill) or in more layman's terms - when everyone is dead.
Since Wizards of the Coast announced their plans for the future of Dungeons and Dragons, speculation has ... with an adventuring party in the distance exploring this huge dungeon.