With tiny leaf-like fronds, and the smallest flower and fruit in the plant world, duckweed may sound like delicate botanic specimen. However, this bright green denizen of ponds across Asia teams ...
Duckweed, a protein-rich water plant, has been described as a "miracle plant" as it is one of the fastest growing on the planet. There are around 500,000 dairy cows in Wales which excrete about ...
When astronauts are orbiting earth, it's often not chocolate they crave but a fresh, crunchy salad. Now a team of scientists ...
Establish a holobiont resource research center to study combination of duckweed and coexisting microorganisms Contribute to the construction of a sustainable society by utilizing plants in the ...
As part of this groundbreaking venture, astronauts will set up growth chambers housing various plant species, including duckweed and thale cress, on the Moon. These plants are carefully selected ...