A CPU chip that contains two distinct processing units that work in parallel. IBM introduced dual core Power 4 CPUs in 2000, followed by Sun and HP in 2004 and x86-based Pentiums in 2005.
Asus has announced its first-ever ROG Apex motherboard for AMD CPUs. The ROG Crosshair X870E Apex is Asus' all-new extreme overclocking-focused motherboard for the AM5 platform.
Kontron has announced the launch of the world’s first ARM-based long-term available Pico-ITX embedded motherboard with dual-core ARM Cortex A9. The new Kontron Pico-ITX embedded motherboard KTT20/pITX ...
The ASRock Z890 PG Nova WiFi motherboard is designed with four DDR5 DIMM slots situated neighbouring to the CPU socket, supporting up to 256 GB of dual-channel memory through modules of 24 ...