and tweakable enough that we’ll make a damped-oscillator drum sound out of it. Here’s a quick demo of where we’re heading. Read on to see how we get there. Last session, we built an ...
Unfortunately, since the samples are essentially part of the drum’s source code, he says distributing the firmware is something of a problem. Though it sounds as though there might be a solution ...
And a song with a standout drum sound quite often beats a path to the top. So, what are pop and rock music's greatest drum intros? Click through and sound out the best songs opened by a drumbeat.
Hit a drum and it instantly makes a sound, and most people can pick up a basic drum beat with very little effort. The best electronic drum sets for kids are also quiet, compact and affordable compared ...
For drum hardware maestros Drum Workshop not only make some of the most highly prized acoustic and electronic drum kits available today, but can supply you with the sound of their distinctive drums ...