Unknown to many, dragonflies are the most effective hunters of mosquitoes on the planet. Yet humans still rely too much on ...
All over the planet, many animals and plants are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. Some species are more threatened than ...
Freshwater environments cover about 1% of Earth's surface while accounting for more than 10% of known species. Like many ...
New research reveals that damage to these environments is pushing freshwater animals to the edge of extinction.
Freshwater ecosystems across the world are in distress. As scientists better comprehend the extent to which lakes, ponds, ...
Freshwater ecosystems cover less than 1% of Earth but support 10% of all species. Nearly a quarter of these species face ...
Work to protect the habitat of rare dragonfly and damselfly species has been carried out at Castle Fraser in Aberdeenshire by ...
The freshwater species under threat of extinction include fish, crabs, crayfishes, shrimps, dragonflies and damselflies, ...
Quarter of freshwater animals at risk of extinction, conservationists warn - A major global analysis examined the extinction ...