A two-part, comprehensive, animated, historical documentary series focusing on two iconic women who were the first American Catholic saints: Elizabeth Ann Seton and Frances Xavier Cabrini.
Another was with Martin Sheen, who spoke at some length (not included in the documentary) about his reversion to the Catholic faith during the 1970s. Sheen described talking to Kieser about ...
A new documentary by director Kathryn Ferguson focuses on these ... But the details of these stories remind me, intentionally or not, of the lives of Catholic saints. In Nothing Compares, Ferguson ...
Viewers were “appalled” by an “eye-opening” Irish documentary detailing the ... Another added: “I'm simply amazed that the Catholic Church didn't make Jimmy Saville a Bishop.
A common thread runs through the lives of four major Catholic figures profiled in the first part of "Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints": They each embody a faith with consequences, a devotion ...