The threequel is the 34th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and premiered in theaters on July 26, following Deadpool (2016) and Deadpool 2 (2018). The film grossed north of $1 billion ...
and Deadpool 2 (2018). The film grossed north of $1 billion at the global box office, making it the second-highest-grossing film of 2024 and the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time.
Even without rumors saying Deadpool & Wolverine 2 is in the works, the Multiverse Saga schedule above should tell you that a sequel featuring the same protagonists can’t happen soon. The way ...
Two issues into his run, he introduced Cable (played by Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2), and, shortly afterwards, Domino, Shatterstar, and Deadpool himself. It was an audacious debut that electrified ...