Darkman is a 1990 American superhero film directed and co-written by Sam Raimi. It is based on a short story Raimi wrote that paid homage to Universal's horror films of the 1930s. The film stars ...
I said at the time that if Schindler and Netto want to make a Darkman movie, they might have to duel Scare Me and Werewolves Within director Josh Ruben over the project, as Ruben is such a Darkman ...
Darkman is a 1990 American superhero film directed and co-written by Sam Raimi. It is based on a short story Raimi wrote that paid homage to Universal's horror films of the 1930s. The film stars ...
Darkman, needing money to continue his experiments on synthetic skin, steals a crate of cash from drug lord Peter Rooker, attracting the gangster's attention. Rooker is determined to find the ...
(Something other than “Taken,” the common standby.) I ended up with 1990’s “Darkman,” a weird, part-superhero, part-horror movie revolving around Neeson as a scientist researching artificial skin.