DDT soil pollution is still a major problem in many parts of the world. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, ...
The populations of the birds of prey have rebounded over the past 40 years after they dwindled largely due to DDT insecticide ...
Once dwindling due to insecticide use and other environmental harms, the birds have made a significant come-back.
The state was able to delist the species because their reproductive rate over multiple years reached sustainable levels.
The Earth is home to all creatures. Some animals have seen near extinction and are now witnessing thriving populations. Here ...
The bird populations have recovered to the point where their question of their survival in the Garden State is no longer in ...
Billie was left to guard the snow house while his friend went to get his mittens. When his friend returned, the house had ...
President Joe Biden signed a bill into law officially naming the bald eagle as the national bird. Meanwhile, most Americans ...
The Center for Biological Diversity today increased the reward to $15,000 for information leading to a conviction in the ...
In previous years, the population was devastated by the widespread use of DDT, a synthetic insecticide that was widely used to control mosquitoes. DDT was banned by the federal government in 1972.