The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 established the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, non-profit corporation managed by a nine-member board appointed by the President and ...
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) receives a congressional appropriation each year of about $500M. CPB allocates the appropriation mostly to public television and radio stations ...
When asked to comment on the investigation by the CPB, Rand said, “The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is a vital partner to WTVP and WTVP will continue to communicate and work closely with ...
Section 396(k)(12) prohibits the Corporation for Public Broadcasting ("CPB") from distributing its federally appropriated funds to public broadcasting entities that rent contributor or donor names ...
Federal funds for public radio are distributed through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB is distinct from both NPR and PBS. It is not a broadcaster, but a private corporation ...
Three public radio stations in California, Pennsylvania, and Utah have been awarded up to $587,704 in grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting ... So far, CPB has allocated NGWS funding ...
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting evaluates hundreds of proposals each year for a variety of funding purposes. This publication is an easy guide to the basic elements of grant writing and is ...
Eighteen years ago, some public-broadcasting officials ... Should there be a CPN — a Corporation for Public Newspapers? The CPB was created “to encourage public telecommunications services ...