Although our color system is monochromatic, in certain instances, another color may need to be used. For those circumstances, we have developed this set of secondary colors. These colors should be ...
Our color choices impact our users, who may be color blind, have low vision, or some other color-visual impairment. Color contrast refers to a calculated ratio of the difference between foreground and ...
* PMS palettes for coated and uncoated Northwestern Purple are spot color. You will need to provide your vendor with the actual PMS codes [add link]. Download the ...
Using accessible materials and simple techniques, both handmade and digital, we will experiment with the principles of two-dimensional design and color theory, including figure and ground; unity of ...
Your website’s design does more than just make a good first impression—it can also convey trustworthiness and credibility.
Always use the primary color, Brandeis Blue, in projects produced for the university. For official and/or permanent applications, use only the primary and secondary colors (Brandeis Blue and Cyan).
Color is fundamental to your perception of the world around you. Your brain processes and interprets the visual signals from your eyes, allowing you to distinguish colors and assign meaning to them.