We’ve all been there: sitting around on a balcony as the sun sets, enjoying a beer with friends while someone lights citronella candles to ward off mosquitoes. Rather than break the moment to go ...
Here’s what does and doesn’t work. Gimmicky repellents don’t work Citronella has been regarded as a “natural” mosquito repellent. But there’s no indication that citronella candles ...
The licorice-like scent of petunias is enough to turn off many an insect including aphids, hornworms and squash bugs. The ...
citronella oil is actually produced by lemongrass plants. This is the oil that helps repel mosquitoes most of all! When mosquitoes encounter lemongrass and its oils, they experience the following ...
Studies suggest citronella helps repel mosquitoes, as well as fleas ... Some homemade bug sprays can help keep bugs away from your plants. However, others, like cinnamon essential oil, may ...
Rosemary tea, lamb with rosemary...there are so many possibilities with this herb but its best quality is its mosquito-repelling one. You can plant it around your house, especially below windows.
Made with a powerful blend of citronella, lemongrass, and lavender oil, this gel will not only repel mosquitoes for up to 8 hours but also moisturise your skin. It protects against diseases like ...
Essential oils (like citronella) are just not that great at repelling mosquitoes and ticks. And in candle form, there's no indication that they provide more protection than any other candle ...