An ordinary young boy called Nikolas sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled village of the elves, Elfhelm.
With his headstrong reindeer called Blitzen and a loyal pet mouse, Nikolas sets out on an amazing adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled ...
After his dad sets off on an expedition to find the magical land of Elfhelm, Nikolas finds a map that leads to the location, ...
Here is a curated list of the best Christmas movies and series you can stream on Netflix in the holiday season of 2024. The ...
Description: When it comes to Christmas movies ... whose father is on a quest to find Elfhelm, the fabled village of the elves. In the process of trying to find his father, Nikolas teams with ...
With so many Christmas movies streaming across Netflix, Disney, Hulu and more, we've compiled a list of the films you can ...