After photographer Andrew Marttila discovered his old roommate’s cat had a minor (read: major) obsession with catnip, he pulled out his camera to try to capture the cat’s crazy reactions.
Does your cat, an otherwise aloof and graceful creature, go whacky for catnip? Then they are one of the 70 per cent of domestic cats, as well as some big cats like lions, who do. But how has this ...
We carried out a study assessing the effects of Nepeta cataria (catnip) on cat behavior. The study was approved by the Internal Committee for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the Graduate ...
14, beginning at noon. (photo: Tail Town Cat Café) "Once a year a very special ceremony takes place and the City of Roses is known as something else... the City of Catnip," said Gwendolyn Mathers ...