Canon EOS 5D Mark IV是一款备受摄影爱好者和专业摄影者喜爱的全画幅数码单反相机。目前,该商品在天猫商城进行9.5折促销活动,原价13299元,到手价只需12824元。这款相机具有高品质画面、手感踏实、触屏操控实用、灵敏对焦、质感出色等优点。
Canon 16-35mm f/4L IS: 16mm, f/5.6, 1/500s, ISO 100 Summary: The familiar yet refreshed Canon 5D Mark IV is a top-notch, all-around professional DSLR Performance-wise, the 5D IV earns the high ...
however the Mark IV still out-performs the Mark III at the highest ISO, with a dynamic range of 6.2 EV vs 5.4. The Canon 5D Mark IV's dynamic range still lags behind the class-leading Nikon D810 ...
The list of gear photographers want but can’t afford is topped by the Canon EOS R5, R6 Mark II… and the 5D Mark IV?