Animated series inspired by the classic Looney Tunes shorts. Tweety Bird and Sylvester ice skate, Bugs Bunny crashes a pool party, and Wile E. Coyote paints a tunnel.
Animated series inspired by the classic Looney Tunes shorts. Yosemite needs a hat, Elmer Fudd tries to catch Bugs Bunny once more, Sam protects sheep, and Marvin the Martian claims yet another planet.
Bugs Bunny was a star for Warner Brothers. And, watching Thursday’s Republican debate in Ohio, I was reminded of some of the colorful characters that emerged from their cartoon studio in ...
The stamps show iconic moments of Bugs Bunny's ... Eighty 11-minute episodes of the new “Looney Tunes Cartoons” reintroduce Bugs Bunny along with other marquee Looney Tunes characters in ...
the American conductor co-created Bugs Bunny on Broadway. It was a way to combine his deep childhood love of Looney Tunes cartoons with symphony orchestra music. Its earliest shows were a Broadway ...